Thursday, November 14, 2013

Where Are They Now??: Ora


Have you ever followed one of our dogs and wondered.....what happens after the happy ending? What are they doing, where did they go? Every week I'd like to feature one of the prior dogs that we've had and give you an update on them.

Today, we're going back to June, 2012. A Darrah was new to the scene and spotted a beautiful girl on the NYACC euthanasia list. Her name, then, was Sarah.  The A Darrah girls decided to pull her off the list and save her life. 
Sara/Ora's Shelter photo

Upon doing so, she was examined by a veterinarian who discovered the poor girl had a severe upper respiratory infection, and was not doing well at all. After some vigorous treatment, and two months in a veterinary hospital, sarah began to feel better. 
Ora during her 2 month stay in the hospital with a respiratory infection
It was later discovered that Ora was pregnant, and would later deliver 8 beautiful puppies. Ora made a complete recovery from her infection as well. 

xray showin ora's pups in utero

Ora and her babies

At this point this was as a completely happy tail as any, but  8 weeks later the story takes a heartbreaking turn. As A Darrah Bull was jumping in head first into the rescue scene they also decided to advocate for the breed by hosting a pit bull awareness walk in Holidaysburg, pa.  During the event Ora's puppies were intentionally poisioned, resulting in the untimely death of two of them.  The culprit was never discovered, and remains a mystery.   

After Ora recovered from birth, she was then fostered by Breanne, who was heavily involved with the rescue at the time.  Breanne states that she pretty much knew from the get go that she was going to be a foster fail with Ora, but when an application from an older couple came in she went ahead and approved Ora's adoption. It didnt even last a full day before Ora was crying and attempting to escape due to missing her true owner, Breanne. So Breanne adopted Ora, and has never looked back. She said that Ora hasnt left her side since. 
I think she meant that in the literal sense, as here is a great photo of an amazing tattoo she had done to commemorate Miss Ora.

Breanne also stated that "[ora] is the coolest dog, ever".

If you would like to experience the same bond from a rescue dog, we encourage you to check our list of adoptables and see if someone may be your new best friend. If you arent sure about keeping a dog, but would like to help there is always the option to foster. No matter how you get involved, rescuing is extremely rewarding and worth every moment.  

Did you adopt a dog from A Darrah? Would you like to be our next featured "where are they now?" story? Shoot us an email at and let us know!

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